Gardens at Heather Farm

Artist in Residence Program

The Gardens at Heather Farm (GHF) offers local artists an opportunity for a two-month day residency at The Gardens. Artists are asked to commit to working at/in the garden a minimum of one day a week and interacting with garden visitors about their work to help expand our engagement with the community through shared art experiences. Artists are asked to plan and lead one community workshop to explore their medium. Three Thirty-Three Arts will be curating artists for this opportunity.


Work by the artist will be displayed in GHF’s Rose Room Gallery, off the main patio at the rear of the Garden’s facility. Artwork by the artist will remain in exhibition for the duration of the residency. Artwork owned by the artist and included in exhibition will be available for sale for the duration of exhibition. Artwork sold must be collected by buyer within 7 days of exhibition closing.


The artist and GHF shall agree on the retail pricing of the art, and commission split is 80% artist and 20% GHF for each piece of art. GHF will receive payment for all art sold at the conclusion of the exhibition. No title will be released until all payment is received from the buyer. Artwork sold must be collected by buyer within 7 days of exhibition closing.


GHF will bear costs incurred in presenting the exhibition, including photography, promotion, publicity, installation costs, storage on GHF’s premises (if necessary), and artist reception.


GHF will provide a $500 materials stipend for the artist. The artist will assume full financial responsibility/liability for costs associated with final production and finishing of artworks for exhibition.


The artist retains copyright of their work. GHF is permitted to use photographs for marketing, education, in exhibition brochure, and documentation as necessary. The artist is required to provide valuation of each piece of art as it is added to the exhibition. Works which have been industrially fabricated and can be replaced to the artist’s specifications, GHF’s liability shall be limited to the cost of such replacement.


Artists will be required to sign an Agreement for Exhibition with GHF at the initiation of the residency.

IF INTERESTED IN MARCH-APRIL, JULY-AUGUST OR SEPT-OCTOBER residency, please email us using contact form with “Gardens” as subject line.