Flax Art & Design’s Facelift

FLAX art & design, the Bay Area's most well loved retail art supply business, has been serving the creative community since 1938.

A family-owned business headed by Howard Flax, who represents the third generation along with his brother Craig and their sister Leslie Flax Abel, FLAX has a long history supporting artists and the Bay Area arts community.

We recently got to partner again with our friends at Flax, this time on an impressive project to create an entire mural on the side of their Oakland store. For this project we selected artist Matthew Floriani as we knew he could handle and lead the community volunteers who assisted, but also complete this task to such a degree it becomes an iconic mural in Oakland…which is saying a great deal.

We were also fortunate that Jonathan Botkin, a Berkeley based photographer, came out and documented the process and delivering really stellar photography.

So, tell us what you think. Do you like the new mural, or LOVE the new mural?


The Beauty Of Wine Barrels


Kicking It Old School Style